
Privacy Policy

The ELLIPP website is aware of the importance of your data privacy and confidentiality; therefore, we commit to keep all critical information and data of all visitors confidential. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy") is prepared to help you understand the nature of the information we collect when you visit the ELLIPP website and how we treat such information.

Everything mentioned in this Privacy Policy along with your data and browsing of the Center's Website will be subject to the laws and effective judicial decisions in the United Arab Emirates.

Agreement on The Privacy Policy

By using the ELLIPP's website, you accept this Privacy Policy and its terms and conditions.

Visiting The ELLIPPWebsite

We did not design the ELLIPP's Website to collect your personal information. Only information you provide will be collected.

Data Collection

Once you visit the ELLIPP's Website, the ELLIPP Website's server will automatically gather your IP address (IP address is the number associated with your computer. It allows other computers connected to the Internet to identify the source of data, in addition to collecting information about the user's browser and search engine, and the date and time of visiting the URL that transfers the user to the ELLIPP 's Website). This is done without identifying your personal identity.

Screening the Network

The screening activities that we directly conduct of the network allow us to collect specific data, such as the information requested from you on your experience and evaluation of the ELLIPP 's Website.

Your feedback is highly important to us and is indeed appreciated. It allows us to improve the ELLIPP 's Website, and you have the option and freedom to provide your name and other information.

Links to Other Websites on the Internet

The ELLIPP 's Website may include links or ads of other websites, such as AdSense, Google, or others. We will not be responsible by any mean of the collection of data by such websites. It is your responsibility to read the privacy policies of those websites when you enter them through the ELLIPP 's Website.

The Data We Collect

Cookie Files

The ELLIPP 's Website may save Cookie Files on your computer when you visit it. Cookie Files help specify you as a user, and it can also be used to enhance your use of the ELLIPP 's Website and help to better understand the users of the ELLIPP 's Website.

Most browsers accept cookies as a default option. You can reset your browser to refuse any cookies, or to notify you when cookies are used.

The Purpose of Data Collection

Using the IP address helps the ELLIPP 's Website solve any problem occurring on its servers, it also provides statistical information about the utilization of the ELLIPP 's Website (such as number of visitors, the language of the computer used). Other than its technical team, the Center will not permit any party to know your IP address without a lawful justification.

Disclosing Information

At all times, the ELLIPP will keep your information in its possession confidential and private and will not disclose them unless it is required by law to do so, or if the ELLIPP believes that such disclosure is required or preferred to comply with the law or to defend and protect the intellectual property rights of the ELLIPP or other parties using the ELLIPP 's Website

Information Required to Provide Services Requested by You

When we need any of your information, we will request you to provide them at your own will. Such information will help us in contacting you and provide you services whenever it is possible.

We will not sell information provided by you to any third party for that party's own benefits without obtaining you prior approval (expressed or implied) unless it is done on a collective basis for statistical and research purposes and without including information that could specify you personally.

When Contacting Us

We will treat all the information provided by you as they are confidential. Such information will be used to answer your questions, comments, and requests by the ELLIPP 's Website and any of its affiliate websites.

Intellectual Property

You must not copy, print, or download any of the ELLIPP 's Website's content unless it is for personal use only. In such case, you must keep any copy with its signs, marks, and IP rights in the same manner as it is in the original copy.

Additional Information

The Privacy Policy is subject to the main principles issued by United Arab Emirates.

The Main Principles of Personal Data Protection


That the privacy policies and procedures of the control authority are defined, documented, and approved by the entity's primary administrator (or whoever he delegates), and published to all parties concerned with their application.


That a notification about the policies and procedures related to the control authority is prepared to indicate the purposes of processing the personal information in a specific, clear, and explicit manner.

Choice and Consent

That all possible options are determined for the owner of the personal information and to obtain his consent (implicit or explicit) regarding the collection, use or disclosure of his data.

Limit Data Collection

That the collection of personal data be limited to the minimum amount of data which fulfil the purposes specified in the privacy notice.

Limit Data Use, Retention, and Disposal

That the processing of personal data is restricted to the purposes specified in the privacy notice for which the data owner gave his consent (implicit or explicit), and to keep it as long as necessary to fulfil the specified purposes or as required by the laws, regulations and policies in force in the United Arab Emirates, and to destroy them in a safe manner that prevents leakage or loss, misappropriation, misuse, or legally unauthorized access.

Access to the Data

That the means by which the data owner can access his personal data for review, update and correction are identified and provided.

Limiting Data Disclosure

That the disclosure of personal data to external parties is restricted to the purposes specified in the privacy notice for which the data owner gave his consent (implicit or explicit).

Data Security

That personal data is protected from leakage, damage, loss, misappropriation, misuse, modification, or unauthorized.

Data Quality

That the personal data is accurately and completely saved and is directly related to the purposes specified in the privacy notice.

Monitoring and Compliance

To monitor the compliance of privacy policies and procedures of the control authority, and to address inquiries, complaints and disputes related to privacy.

  • The Main Principles and General Rules for Data Sharing
  • To the best of our abilities, we provide publishable data from the right sources and try to make sure that they are not duplicated or in conflict with any other data.
  • To the best of our abilities, we provide data for practical and justified goals, aiming to achieve public interests without, causing any harm to the entities 'activities, individual's' privacy, or environmental safety.
  • The access to data shall be by properly qualified and trained persons.
  • All necessary information for data exchange shall be shared, including the required data, the purpose of collecting it, means of its transmission, methods of preservation, controls used to protect it, and the mechanism of disposal.
  • To the best of our abilities, the security controls stipulated in any data sharing agreement are applied.
  • To the best of our abilities, appropriate security controls are applied to protect and share data in a secure and reliable environment, according to the relevant laws and regulations.
  • To the best of our abilities, ethical practices are applied during the data sharing process to ensure that its use in a framework of fairness, integrity, honesty, and respect.

Amendments to The Privacy Policy

The ELLIPP has the full right to update this Privacy Policy. To keep up with the latest update, you need to check the update date at the bottom of this page.


Your concerns and interests in data privacy and confidentiality is a matter of top priority to us, and we hope this Privacy Policy can be a comfort source to you.

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